“Rare, kotsende vogel met kleurrijk nektapijt” wint Nieuw-Zeelandse vogelverkiezing dankzij campaign van Amerikaanse talk show host John Oliver | The light from the web

Omdat Forest & Bird, the organization behind the Verkiezing, this year’s homeland state, has become the pūteketeke also meteen ‘vogel van de eeuw’. The bird has 290,374 lifts and lies in the army’s numbers twee and three, the noordereilandkiwi (12,904 lifts) and the kea (12,060 lifts) contempt.

Oliver Wilde took the initiative in the “op historical world” to win and begin a “writable and aggressive” ‘Lord of the Wings’-verkiezingscampagne, which was created in two years. There are several meters high advertising boards in Nieuw-Zeeland, Japan, France, India and the American state of Wisconsin, before the campaign in Groot-Brittannië and lying on a plane with pūteketeke-advertisement on the beach in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. Well, he’s in Jimmy Fallon’s ‘The Tonight Show’ campaign, which he’s looking for in front of the bag.

Intussen lieten the campaign managers for the over 74 genomes of birds – on the sea of ​​kiwi – he never had anything to say. The Nieuw-Zeeland publication was made with a knipoog op “zich tegen de Amerikaanse bemoeienis te verzetten” and for the benefit of the birds. As a reaction to the product “American infusion” in the bird area, the Nieuw-Zeelanders brought mass aal hun stem uit.

The Wednesday ontving also had a record of 350,000 verified lifts on 195 lands, so the verification system crashed and the output of the stemming with two days had to be removed. “We heard the controversy, but it never really happened. “We are very excited about the process, creativity and the debate on this campaign is important to us,” says Nicola Toki, CEO of the forest organizer Forest & Bird.

This also meant that dozens of people had to be charged with fraud, including 40,000 people who were brought to the door for a penguin.

Well, the new one from Oliver’s concurrentie had been published, the recent award of the premier of Nieuw-Zeeland hem on the social medium X.
