Rapper Massiv plans relief action in Palestine



After the rapper Massiv recently transported aid supplies to Ukraine with a total of eight coaches and distributed them there near the Polish border, he is now planning another aid campaign. This time in Palestine, where many people are currently celebrating Ramadan, while the political situation in the area remains tense. Only recently have violent clashes erupted between young Muslims and the Israeli police. According to Massiv, he has been in contact with local people for a long time and has now been able to clear the bureaucratic hurdles.

Massive: “GAZA we are coming”

in one posting Massiv wrote on Instagram: “After months of research, I finally managed to meet a good man who will help me through the complicated, bureaucratic path / In cooperation with the Palestinian Embassy in Egypt, I will fill vans and buses with Food, toys, medicine and everything needed for the families in Gaza”.

Massiv also has a personal connection to Palestine: his parents are from the country in the Middle East. They lived as refugees in Lebanon for a while before coming to Germany and settling in Rhineland-Palatinate, where the rapper was born in 1982. In 2005, Massiv moved to Wedding in Berlin, where he began his career as a musician. But Massiv didn’t lose sight of Palestine either. In 2008 he played together with other rappers from Europe on the “European-Palestinian Hip Hop Concert Tour”, which stopped in several cities in Palestine. At that time, the tour was organized by the German Goethe Institute and other European cultural institutions.




