Rapper Massiv: “I bought clicks”

Only recently did the arrest warrant rant about rappers and labels buying clicks on streaming services and YouTube in order to be included in the major playlists. How easy it is is at least since one YouTube documentary of the public service channel “Y-Collective” from two years ago. Now rapper and label boss Massiv has admitted in a stream that he has bought clicks for one of his artists in the past. After that he felt like “dirty and so dishonestlike never felt before.

Actually, the rapper from Berlin Wedding would always have refused to buy clicks, Massiv said in the stream, in which he answered the questions of connected fans. He would have told his artists: “We’re going straight through.” But one day he got weak and bought 50,000 streams for one of his artists:

But since I felt at the time that everyone was doing it. And I’m the only one who doesn’t do it, sometimes I stood in front of the mirror and thought to myself what kind of manager I was. I’m stupid? You have to do what is best for your artists. And if it’s the game that’s required of you, then you have to conform to the rules.”

After that he not only felt bad, but also received two warnings from Universal. In addition, the click purchase is good for him “also suffering for completely rap and for completely hip-hop.”

Massiv further explained that in German rap it was common practice to buy clicks. Artists who evade this would “detach”. On the other hand, anyone who buys streams would be included in the large playlists and thus generate more “real” streams:This is a game. Either you play it right or you keep your hands off it.” said Massive on the stream. He himself I probably decided – at least for the time being – not to play.

Here you can see a recording of the live stream:

