Rap star Ibe doesn’t like tap water – Now tells HS about his confusing bottled water obsession

Ibe, or Ilmari Kärki, ordered 140 bottles of water from abroad. Now he tells Helsingin Sanomat why he did this.

Ibe first told about his bottled water order in a Tiktok video. AOP / Matti Matikainen

Rapper Ibe, aka Ilmari Kärki, 24, confused his social media followers in March by saying on Tiktok that he had ordered 140 water bottles from France. Now Ibe tells about the background of his rapture In an interview with Helsingin Sanomat.

Kärki describes his bottled water order as a “meme thing”. He says that he went on a trip to Dubai at the turn of the year. He developed a high fever on the flight, and after arriving at the hotel, he bought himself several bottles of drinking water. Kärki suffered from a fever for a day in his hotel room and drank large amounts of bottled water. The fever disappeared in two nights.

This left Kärje interested in bottled water. When he got sick in the winter while he was in Helsinki, he once again tried putting on bottled water as a cure. The flu went away in a day.

This allowed the rapper to order 140 bottles of Evian brand water, and even more in the finest glass bottles. Even under normal circumstances, the tip prefers bottled water to tap water.

– I wake up in the morning and pop the bottle. I could drink tap water, but that’s a matter of feeling. I’m superstitious, so to speak. If someone works, then I will do it, Kärki says to HS.

At the beginning of March, the rap artist published a Tiktok video in which he revealed his purchase of bottled water. At that time, he said that he had placed the water order “just for fun”.

– I’m the crazy person who does that, Kärki says in the video.

Video has already received over 260,000 views.

Ibe is a popular rapper whose many songs have millions of streams on Spotify. In 2021, Ibe won the Emma award in the rap / R&B category of the year.

Source: Helsingin sanomat newspaper
