Ramona Forsström as CEO of Warner Music Finland

Ramona Forsstrom has been appointed CEO of Warner Music Finland and will start his new role in November. Forsström has worked in the company as General Manager since 2021 and will act as a successor By Niko Nordströme, who leaves his position after 16 years of working in the company.

Forsström has worked at Warner Music Finland for more than 15 years and has played a key role in the development of local artists such as Antti Tuisku, Arttu Wiskari, Behminin the success stories of Ellinoora, Kaija Koo and Sanni.

– I am excited that I can step into a new role and lead our incredible team here in Finland. I would like to thank Niko for his guidance and mentorship over many years. We are fortunate to be a leader in one of the world’s most unique music markets, working with some of the most talented and inspiring artists. I look forward to doing even more to support them and their careers in the future, says Forsström.

Forsström started his career in the music industry in 1997 as EMI Finland’s product manager. He later served as information manager in the company until 2006. After that, he moved to Live Nation Finland as the information manager, where he served in his role for two years, before moving to Warner Music Finland in 2008 as the international information manager.
