Rammstein responds to the uproar around them: “We also have our rights”

Rammstein commented on Instagram that they take all accusations against its members seriously.

The German band Rammstein commented on the buzz around it on Instagram. Recently, serious accusations have been made against the members of the band in connection with the serving of the band’s gigs and the careful selection of female partiers.

It has been alleged that the band lures beautiful young women to the “zero row” or the front of the stage for their concerts and then invites them to their private parties. The uproar started when a fan who was at the Vilna gig in May claimed that he was drugged at the gig. The band has denied the accusations.

Rammstein commented on the accusations against it. PDO

Now Rammstein has again taken a stand on the discussion of the last few days.

– The publications of the last few days have caused irritation and questions among the public and especially among our fans. The accusations have touched us all very hard and we take them seriously, the band writes in their Instagram post on Saturday.

– It is important to us that you feel comfortable and safe at our gigs, in front of and behind the stage, the band appeals to its fans.

Rammstein says it condemns all kinds of violations and hopes that no prejudice will be applied to the accusers.

– But we also have our rights as a group – namely not to be judged, the article ends.

If embedding doesn’t work, you can see the post too from this link.

Sex and parties

The commotion started when a fan of the band Shelby Lynn said on Twitter that band members and staff spiked his drink with drugs at a party before the band’s gig in Vilnius. According to Lynn, the leader of the band Till Lindemann would have been angry when he refused to have sex with her.

Rammstein denied in his Twitter post the possibility that the alleged things happened in their environment.

Later, numerous women have made accusations against Rammstein and Lindemann. According to the accusations, women have been approached by Lindemann’s representatives either on Instagram or at gigs. They have been asked to send pictures of themselves and to participate in the follow-up party organized by Lindemann, where the women were expected to dress seductively.

Party favors included free alcohol and drugs. However, entry included one requirement: having sex with Lindemann.

Till Lindemann is said to have pressured women into sex. PDO

The women interviewed by the German public radio NDR have said that Lindemann’s sexual acts were not consensual.

Rammstein performed in Helsinki a week ago. Iltalehti caught up with two Finnish women who participated in the band’s after-party, who described the party as tame. Neither of them noticed any suspicious activity at the party.
