Rammstein: Kachelmann angry about Till-Lindemann comparison

#Rammstein and #Lindemann have been trending on Twitter for more than a week. What has also been trending there since Tuesday (June 6th) is #Kachelmann, i.e. the name of Jörg Kachelmann, the journalist.

He links to an NDR video: “Convicted despite acquittal”. The contribution is subtitled: “Jörg Kachelmann – he was once Germany’s most famous weather presenter. But then he is accused of rape. He is innocent – but a blemish remains”.

“And if you’ve seen it,” writes Kachelmann on Twitter, “you know how far-fetched the comparison is.” The fact that he is to be used for comparisons with the Till-Lindemann scandal, in the course of which the Rammstein singer is accused of abusive behavior by a number of women, is “so annoying for the weatherman”. The Swiss TV presenter receives support from Twitter users for this, but also criticism – many write that the 64-year-old did not deal well with women either.

How do people come up with the idea of ​​comparing Lindemann with Kachelmann?

Kachelmann process

In the “Kachelmann trial” Kachelmann was arrested in 2010 on charges of raping a woman with whom he had an intimate relationship. The public prosecutor’s office in Mannheim brought charges against him, suspicion: particularly serious rape in combination with dangerous bodily harm. The Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court finally granted an appeal against detention, as there was no longer any urgent suspicion of a crime. A little over a year after the arrest, the trial ended in an acquittal. The public prosecutor’s office and the joint plaintiff appealed, but withdrew them. The acquittal became final.

After Kachelmann was initially successful with an injunction against his former lover, which was successful through all instances, the Federal Constitutional Court overturned it in 2016 after a constitutional complaint. Kachelmann had wanted to forbid her to maintain the rape allegation.

The Lindemann scandal cannot be compared with the Kachelmann trial – nothing is known about charges against the Rammstein frontman anyway, so far there have only been allegations; and Jörg Kachelmann in turn achieved an acquittal in the rape charge. People who are convinced of Till Lindemann’s innocence now compare the singer to Kachelmann, who was acquitted in court; People who think Lindemann is a bad guy compare him to Kachelmann on social networks for that very reason.

Many Twitter users remember Kachelmann’s behavior towards his lover at the time, and this behavior was not okay. At that time he was in certain relationships with several women; one of them was the joint plaintiff who brought him to court.

In another tweet, Kachelmann writes: “Please don’t use what happened to me as an indication of anything.”
