“RammNo!”: New protest group against Rammstein posters the way to the stadium

The campaign is directed against the Rammstein concerts and the Olympic Stadium in Berlin.

At the weekend (July 15 and 16), Rammstein gave two concerts in Berlin, accompanied by protests. At an anti-Rammstein demo on Saturday, around 150 participants protested against the shows. Their demands were directed primarily against singer Till Lindemann, who is accused of sexual abuse.

Another protest group has now formed under the title “RammNay!”, which campaigns against Rammstein and, above all, for the group to be banned from performing. According to their own statements, the members hijacked numerous advertising boards on Saturday morning (July 15th), just a few hours before the first gig, and equipped them with their own advertising posters.

“Give perpetrators a space”

The group placed several posters along the S-Bahn route to the Olympic Stadium in the capital. These bear the inscription “Give perpetrators a space”. In the background is a picture of the Rammstein head Lindemann. With their action, the protest group wants to reach both concert goers and demonstrators.

The action group chose the slogan for their campaign because the Olympiastadion Berlin GmbH and thus the state of Berlin would benefit from the fact that they “give perpetrators a space”. That’s what they say on your website.

“It’s a scandal that the state of Berlin is allowing these concerts to take place despite more than 75,000 signatures on a counter-petition and the current situation,” says Clara Fall, spokeswoman for the group Ramm Nein! “The constant excuse that there is no legal basis for canceling the concert should be a motivation to create one instead of getting comfortable with it,” says Clara Fall.

She also criticizes the previous approach to the victims: “Survivors are not listened to, they even receive death threats. Perpetrators face few or no consequences. Instead, they are even given a stage. Our company is not allowed to send this sign!” The Olympiastadion Berlin GmbH did not react to the poster campaign by Monday (July 17).

Rammstein member Flake is also currently under criticism. The band’s keyboardist is accused of sexually molesting a 17-year-old after they went to a bar in 2002, and another woman in the 1990s. Flake denies the allegations.
