Ramiro Marra: “We are not going to fire public employees, we are going to cut the gnocchi”

“I had listened to Gildo Insfrán and together with the Libertad Avanza bloc we presented a draft declaration of repudiation from the Buenos Aires legislature, we want to see if the members of his party accompany him after the declarations. We are not thinking about provincial candidacies, but we are focused on what has to do with the national election, that is why we do not talk about particular issues of each province.”

“In Mendoza there are candidates because they are people who share our ideas, it is not that they are officially under our name but that they are liberals and present their lists where they want. In the Province of Buenos Aires there are joint elections and surely by June 24 we will announce who our candidate is, because we have plenty of names, anyone wants to be,” said Ramiro Marra in El Disparador.

“If the ruling party and the opposition said that dollarization could not be done, we are fine because they do everything wrong, I am proud that they are in opposition to our project because they failed with theirs. If the visibility within the other political spaces are the ones that failed, I prefer that there is no one. Of the 2 million branches, perhaps 1.5 million should be closed because they are of no use.”

“If they talk about structure, it’s because they have to do too many political favors and cover ins and outs, our space is different. In their spaces proper names predominate, in ours ideas do not matter the people but what to defend. Something that became clear is that we are liberals and we defend these ideas, they do not say what they are.”

“That candidates for presidents get together with their technical teams only to insult our space, shows how base they are, they don’t talk about their proposals. We talk about our ideas because theirs don’t exist, they don’t propose anything. We must carry out a state reform, a reduction in public spending because it is unnecessary” Marra told Maxi Sardi.

“What I know how to do is try and make my company have more income than expenses, the leaders of Argentine politics do not know how to do it. We are not going to fire public employees, nor are we going to remove the social plans, what we are going to cut is the gnocchi that are part of a political structure.”

“You have to make different cuts in public works that stop depending on the public sectors and start depending on the private ones. The idea is to make a town like Chile, for example, the PPT, is the way to finance public works from the medium and short term. It never started with macrismo, they were only statements” stated Ramiro Marra.

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