rally car crashed into spectators – two died

Several spectators watched the rally in the restricted area. Two spectators died at the scene of the accident.

The road was wet at the time of the accident. Illustration picture. Mostphotos

Two people died in an accident at the Condroz rally in Belgium on Sunday.

Belgian driver Emeric Rary and his map reader Fabrice Henry a car plunged into a crowd at the seventeenth special test in Moha village.

Organizers according to the release the car ran off the road, hit a small guardrail, turned onto its side and hit a crowd of spectators. The group followed the rally in a restricted area.

The Liege provincial prosecutor’s office said on Sunday that a teenage couple died in Turma. The victims were 16 and 18 years old.

– They died at the scene of the accident. There was a group of young people in the same place. Track officials wanted them out of the danger zone and pointed this out several times that afternoon. The victims apparently did not belong to this group, the prosecutor announced According to RTL.

The eyewitness also said that the spectators who were in the forbidden area did not agree to move despite several warnings.

– At one point, a car came straight towards them.

Slippery road

According to RTBF 11 people were injured in the situation. The injured were taken to hospital, but their injuries are not life-threatening.

According to media reports, it rained for hours at the accident site, and the road was slippery.

The rally was stopped after the crash. The award ceremonies were also cancelled.

The investigation of the accident is ongoing. Crisis assistance has been offered to those present.

He was the first to tell about the accident in Finland Rallit.fi.
