raken de own voorraden niet op?

The American President Joe Biden ordered that day the factory had the weapon of the Oorlog in Oekraïne, the antitank raket Javelin, wordt made. De oorlog delivered the wapenindustrie millions op. Maar in de VS groeien de zorgen dat ze door voorraden heen raken.

Steven Ramdharie4 may 202215:23

He gaat geen dag voorbij of the Pentagon laat weer op Twitter zien dat het Oekraïense leger een nieuwe partij wapens tegemoet kan zien. Op maandag will be given hoe een van de negentig beloofde M777-houwitsers op de Californian Air Force Base March in a transport case will be loaded. Cost per piece: about 2.5 million dollars.

In the state of Georgia, M113 pant servos are designed for transport to the Slagveld in the Donbas. The Oekraïners got the tweehonderd from the VS. Nieuw kost het rupsvoertuig zo’n 300,000 dollars per piece. At the Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, they were delivered with Javelin anti-tank rockets, per piece for 80,000 to 100,000 dollars, stacked and loaded into Russian pants material on a plane that was fired.

The cost is that of the VS, the largest commercial vehicle in Kiev. The invasion began with 3.4 million dollars on rockets, ammunition, helicopters, artillery and other weapons. When he is due to Biden, he will be charged another 33 million dollars, and others for new military and economic taxes.

A Javelin anti-tank missile was intended for American soldiers, placed on the base At Tanf in the north of Syria, with a military opening.Beeld U.S. Central Command/Carlos Lopez

Uitgeputte voorraad

A deel van dit bedrag, ruim 5 million dollars, is doeld om new orders by de wapenfabrikanten te plaatsen om de Amerikaanse voorraden weer aan te vullen. So hebben de Oekraïners 5,500 Javelins won, ongeveer eenderde van het Amerikaanse legerarsenaal. The 1,400 geleverde Stinger-Luchtdoelrakettes were going to a square from the Voorraad van de VS.

In total, additional missiles would have to be used, the US in Europe would have to be transported in all parts of Russia by Russian tanks, planes and helicopters. The Westerse Wapenindustrie zal op the longer terms also benefit from the higher defenses that have been monitored in response to the Russian agressie.

Steeds meer Europese lands willen gaan voldoen aan de NAVO-norm om 2 per cent van het gross national product (bnp) uit te geven aan Defensie. Alleen al Duitsland heeft beloofd 113 million dollars extra te donations to the krijgsmacht.

Last year, a record requirement of 2.1 million dollars was used on other combat vehicles, marine vessels and tanks, and there was a warning about the record of that year. The vraag is a genuine military industry de greater vraag straks wel aankan.

Amerikaanse mariniers vuren met a M777-houwitser tijdens een oefening in de VS.  Washington heeft Oekraïne 90 van deze houwitsers geleverd.  Beeld US Marines/ Lance Cpl.  Brian Bolin Jr.

Amerikaanse mariniers vuren met a M777-houwitser tijdens een oefening in de VS. Washington heeft Oekraïne 90 van deze houwitsers geleverd.Beeld US Marines/ Lance Cpl. Brian Bolin Jr.

problems manufacturers

In the VS there is no need to worry about the Congress toe over the oppression of the name of the Javelins and Stingers. The VS hebben zelf een bepaald aantal van deze anti-tank-en air carriers nodig om vorbereid te zijn op grootschalige oorlogen en conflicten, onder others with Russia and China. When the Oekraïne-Oorlog long gaat duren en many more van deze rockets nodig zullen zijn, heeft the Pentagon a big problem.

We don’t want it like other industrial activities, but also ware manufacturers fight against the pandemic with logistical problems, even as they deal with materials and people. Here the doors are open for the VS where the Javelins and Stingers are raised. So topman Greg Hayes van Raytheon, manufacturer of both rockets, previous people realize that he may have made a small heightened Stinger.

Het bedrijf blijkt veel te weinig extras in materialen te hebben om de Amerikaanse Stinger-voorraad weer aan te vullen. The product of the aircraft rocket is based on a given period of time from the VS eight years in advance of the last order placed. The sanctions of Russia were Raytheon and the Lockheed Martin defense, the manufacturer of Javelin, and parts.

Jaren woke up

We would like to see a new provider of titanium, which is widely used in the military and aviation industry. Russia is one of the largest producers. “We gaan de productie dit jaar opvoeren”, described by Hayes onlangs. “Maar ik warns that we pas in 2023 and 2024 the orders in treatment can take, two for the Stinger than the Javelin, from the Amerikaanse voorraden aan te fulllen.”

Others land the door de goode prestaties van der rakettes in Oekraïne orders willen plaatsen, in het bijzonder voor de Javelin, Zullen eveneens jaren patience moeten hebben. Taiwan, that’s the name of the day, it was announced on Tuesday that the delivery date for a part of the Stingers may have been contractually agreed. Door production problems raised by VS de leverantie van het hypermodern Paladin artillery system in Taiwan would like to be put in place.

The Pentagon went the previous way in conclaaf with the largest weapon manufacturers to discuss the problems, but there was no agreement that it would come up against the corte term. Both can be done in a special way that the weapons manufacturers give priority to the processing of basic materials and materials. Maar de president maakt geen haast om de wet te gebruiken.

Minister of Defense Lloyd Austin announced Tuesday in the Congress of the Pentagon that he would like to take care of the demands of the state of affairs at the highest level. “It all has to be changed for one thing”, says Mitch McConnell, unfortunately in the Senate. “The mate was Oekraïne nu cruciale munitie verruikt, moet ons aan het denizen zetten of our own oorlogsvoorraden voor wapens en munitie wel voldoende zijn.”
