Rajoy telephoned Fernández Díaz after learning of the request for 15 years in prison for the ‘Kitchen’

Mariano Rajoy telephoned Jorge Fernández Díaz hours after the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office demanded 15 years in prison for the former Minister of the Interior for the ‘Operation Kitchen’, the alleged espionage of the former treasurer of the PP Luis Bárcenas with public resources. The former president of the Government was interested in the spirit of the one who has been his friend for more than three decades, according to sources from the environment of Fernández Díaz. Neither Alberto Núñez Feijóo nor anyone from the leadership contacted the former minister.

The former head of the Interior asked, in October 2021, in writing to the judge in the case not to “encapsulate & rdquor; the case in the Ministry of the Interior that he headed (between 2011 and 2016), but also direct it towards the PP, as requested by the prosecution. The media have come to publish audio recordings in which the then general secretary of the PP, María Dolores de Cospedal, spoke with the former commissioner José Manuel villarejo, who recorded the conversations. In one of them, Cospedal said: “The little notebook [de Bárcenas con los apuntes de los sobresueldos a dirigentes del PP]… It would be better to be able to stop it.” That conversation pointed to the party’s effort to hide the scandal of the party’s box b.

The judge of the National Court Manuel García-Castellonon the other hand, did not appreciate sufficient evidence to sit Cospedal on the bench, and confined the matter to Fernández Díaz, to his Secretary of State Francisco Martinez and to the police leadership of 2012 and 2013.

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Sources from the current leadership of the PP recall Feijóo’s words this week about ‘Operation Catalonia’, another of the works supposedly carried out from the Interior sewers to harm Catalan separatists and businessmen: “Let what has to come out come out, what has to be investigated be investigated and what has to be clarified be clarified. We are talking about a case from many years ago, but the truth is that sometimes things one finds out later & rdquor ;.

The Mediator case

These sources consider that it is not “by chance” that the request for imprisonment from the prosecutor’s office was known the same week that the Mediator case that affects the PSOE broke out. “[Pedro] Sánchez came to the Government on the back of a motion of censure against corruption and now there are congressional deputies who look at the press at night in case there are photos of them browsing catalogs of prostitutes,” says a Feijóo spokesman.
