Rainbows and ‘udder clouds’ above Drenthe thanks to heavy showers

“What you saw was a strongly descending air movement behind the showers. Then you get cumulus clouds, but they were upside down,” says Voerman. “They are bulges downwards. And we call them mammatus clouds. Mammatus is derived from the Latin for breasts or udders. So they are those lumpy clouds that hang down. There is a lot of turbulence in the atmosphere. That is a beautiful sight, especially when the sun shines on it. And we saw that last night,” says the weatherman enthusiastically.

While the heavy showers passed over Drenthe, bright clear skies also developed. Gert Voerman: “The sun shone on those clouds, while some rain still fell and then you get the rainbows. They were seen in various places.” In some places there were even double rainbows.

These photos came in via, among others,[email protected]:
