Rain of memes after they closed a school so that Fátima Florez could vote

Less than an hour before the voting stations closed, Javier Milei’s girlfriend, Fátima Florez, went to vote at the educational establishment on Juncal Street, in the Recoleta neighborhood, where her table was. Escorted by the La Libertad Avanza militancy, including Milei’s social media manager, Iñaki Gutiérrez, the impersonator said that she was very happy and that after voting she would go to accompany her boyfriend to the bunker. “I want to go hug Javier now,” she said.

But the fact that the door of the school where Fátima was voting was closed caused many social media users to give free rein to their creativity to take note of the fact that Florez had privileges. Many even used the image of Moria Casán, a public enemy of Fátima and who she voted at the same time and explained before the C5N microphones that she did not agree with any type of privilege.

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