Rain all day and then the cold has yet to come

Anyone who had hoped for a beautiful Sunday will be disappointed. It’s a rainy day and nothing will change for the next few hours. In fact, it will only get wetter and colder for the time being. That was the message from meteorologist Raymond Klaassen on Sunday morning.

The day started off rainy, and we can also prepare for showers for the rest of this Sunday, Klaassen knows. “That goes on all day, it will continue to rain tonight and even tonight.”

Water cold
And then the west of the province has it just a little harder than the rest. “The further westerly, the worse. The rain gauges will be filled the furthest there,” says Klaassen. “And it doesn’t get warmer than about 7 degrees. It’s really cold when you step outside.”

And this is not a matter of biting through a day before the weather gets better. It will remain gray and rainy for the next few days. There is also a chance of mist and fog. “And it can be very stubborn.”

east wind
From Wednesday the wind will turn to the east. And because of that east wind, the temperature drops further. “Then it will get colder. I don’t think it will get warmer than 4 or 5 degrees from Thursday. The nights will also be a lot colder. The frost can also come into play at the end of the week.”

In itself not strange temperatures for this time of year. “It’s really going to be winter,” Klaassen agrees. Perhaps the temperatures will rise again after next week, but that is still a matter of time. “For now, the temperature is really going down first.”
