“Rai Vloet drove 203 kilometers per hour in a fatal collision on A4”

Rai Vloet was driving at a speed of 203 kilometers per hour when his car collided with another car on the A4 in November. This is apparent from the reading of the on-board computer of the car in which the professional football player from Schijndel drove, according to De Telegraaf. 4-year-old Gio was killed in the collision. Gio’s parents will tell their story in the newspaper on Saturday.

Gio, his sister Faye, mum Sanne and father Steffin were on their way home at the time of the collision after a wonderful holiday in Tenerife. They had arrived at Schiphol just after midnight and had let the grandparents know that they had landed safely. Around one o’clock in the morning they set course for Zoetermeer.

awfully quiet
In the car – a station wagon – people were talking. The children had slept on the plane and were awake. What would they do when they got home, was the question. Gio indicated that he would like to eat a bag of paprika chips on the couch. Those were the last words Mother Sanne remembers of him. Then an oncoming car crashed into the back of their car at tremendous speed.

After that it was eerily quiet in the car of the Zoetermeer family. Both parents had lost consciousness. Sanne was the first to arrive. She got out and opened the door to Faye, who responded immediately. Her husband then slowly regained consciousness. But when she turned to Gio, she saw that he was leaning forward in his belt. Despite all attempts at resuscitation by paramedics who rushed to the rescue, the boy died.

‘Friend van Vloet has already called six times’
The car that hit their car was driven by Rai Vloet. The professional football player from Schijndel not only drove way too fast, but also appears to have been under the influence. He was diagnosed with a blood alcohol level of 1.18.

Sanne and Steffin would like to hear that the Vloet is sorry, they let you know in the newspaper. That he should never have sat in the car with a drink, nor should he have driven so fast. But they have not heard anything from Vloet himself so far.

They point to Vloet’s friend, who was in the car with the professional football player at the time of the accident. According to the parents, the friend has called the police six times to ask how they are doing.

‘It is very unfortunate that these emotions are also added to the parents’
Erik Thomas, Vloet’s lawyer, confirms in the newspaper that there has been no contact with the family. According to him, it was indicated to the police that they wanted this, but there was no positive answer. And his experience is that in many cases it is not appreciated if someone suddenly calls, stands at the door or sends a note.

He then indicated that he would like to hear from the police if this position changes. He hasn’t received that message yet. According to him, Vloet and he lived by the police under the assumption that it was not yet the right time for this. Thomas calls it ‘very unfortunate that those emotions are also added to the parents’.


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