Rai-Figc, contract not renewed: no TV for Under 21s and women

The matches will be broadcast exclusively on figc.it and on the federation’s social channels. For the next four years, state television had offered 50% less than in the last agreement

Nothing under 21 and women’s national team on Rai. The matches will be broadcast only on Figc.it and on the social channels of the Federcalcio. To date, in fact, the agreement between the state television and the federation, which expired last year, has not been renewed. The old contract valid for four years (from 2019 to 2022) provided for the broadcasting of 34 Under 21 and 40 women’s matches. The Under 21 team will take the field for two friendlies, on Friday in Serbia and on Monday in Reggio Calabria with Ukraine, in preparation for the next European Championship (June 21-July 8). The women’s national team will instead take part in the World Cup in Australia and New Zealand from 20 July to 20 August.

low offer

There have been negotiations in recent months, but the 50% offer proposed by Rai – according to reports from Calcio e Finanza – was not accepted by the FIGC, which also aimed for greater visibility for both teams, another reason for which no solution has been found. In this way, Rai will also lose the exclusives from Coverciano of Mancini’s national team. The federation has thus decided to move independently and produce the matches on its own as well as other contents, aiming at the development of an Ott platform. It should not be excluded that with the probable internal reorganization of Rai desired by Premier Meloni, the agreement cannot be achieved with new figures at the helm of TV.
