Rahmads Stromanis: Prison sentence for the events of the riot

Swedish freestyle athlete Rahmads Stromanis has received a prison sentence.

Police vehicles were set on fire in Örebro’s Sveaparken on April 15. PDO

The Swedish media says that the free athlete Rahmads Stromanis has received a six-year prison sentence for his role in the so-called Paludan riot.

The Örebro court found Stromanis guilty of aggravated sabotage and attempted violence against public authority, the Kimura website reported. According to the police, the 27-year-old man played a leading role in the events of last Easter in his hometown Sveaparken. He was believed to have led the rioting crowd and encouraged them to attack the police. Stromanis has been photographed holding a wooden club at the events, with which he is said to have threatened the police.

Stromanis denied allegations of leading the forces, but admitted to throwing rocks and punctured the tires of police cars.

According to Kimura, Stromanis will also have to pay compensation of 160,000 kroner (about 14,500 euros) to eight police officers along with three other people who participated in the riot. In addition, he will have to pay damages of 2,000 kroner to the police officer who was targeted by the attempted harm.

Big destruction

Widespread riots broke out in Sweden during Easter when a Danish far-right politician who caused a stir by burning the Koran Rasmus Paludan had received permission to visit Sweden. At least 71 police officers and three police dogs were injured in the riots in the suburbs. In addition, the official’s material losses were worth millions of kroner in monetary terms.

Stromanis’ free match record is four matches long (3–1). In February, he suffered a defeat at the Rush match night To David Jacobsson by judge’s decision.

The crowd threw stones at the police. PDO
