Raging fire at car companies in Frisian Surhuisterveen | Inland

According to a spokesperson for the Safety Region Fryslân, this concerns a car garage and a car parts trade that are completely on fire. Both companies are located on the Zoom in the village on the border of Friesland and Groningen. Both companies were completely burnt out, but the fire service prevented the fire from spreading to surrounding buildings.

Just before 00:30, grid operator Liander arrived on site to shut off the gas, so that the last two fires could also be extinguished. There is also a crane on site for this.

When extinguishing the fire, it turned out that barrels of oil had burst and that oil ran into the sewer. That is why the sewer is partially closed. On Sunday that part will be drained and the oil removed. The fire extinguishing will take several hours, the fire brigade reported at 01.15.

A lot of smoke is released during the fire. The fire brigade advises residents who suffer from this to close windows and doors and to switch off the automatic ventilation.
