Rage ripped pop star Ellynora from the national anthem performance – Broke into tears

Ellynora did not gather friends from Britain with her performance.

England fans couldn’t believe their ears when they heard a version of the country’s national anthem. PDO

Italy and England started their European Championship qualifying battle with each other on Thursday.

Before the ball got rolling in Naples, an Italian artist was heard at the Diego Armando Maradona stadium Ellynora performed by the countries’ national anthems.

A version of Britain’s God Save the King left fans and players gasping. Unfortunately, it just happened for the wrong reasons.

Ellynora dropped next to the note even before the first verses. The singer desperately tried to catch the beat, but only managed to fumble frantically into his ear monitor.

The whole show was catastrophically bad, and part of the audience booed it on the spot. However, the greatest fury was experienced on social media, where the singer was demanded to take responsibility for his “crime”.

The story continues after the tweet

The British newspaper Daily Mail caught the artist while he was still at the stadium. Ellynora broke down in tears as she tried to explain what had happened.

– I’m just so angry about what happened because I wanted it to be perfect. It wasn’t my fault, he said for the magazine.

– I want to apologize to all England fans who were watching at the stadium or at home. I am horrified by what happened, and I want everyone to know that it was not disrespectful.

The artist said that he practiced the national anthem twice a day before the match and three more times on the day of the match itself. For some reason, the in-ear monitor didn’t start playing tricks until that crucial moment.

– At first the music came to my ear, but then it stopped. Then it started all over again and I heard two versions on top of each other. It was impossible to get back into the rhythm.

The television cameras captured an undeniably embarrassing image in which Ellynora tried desperately to fix the situation, even though she understood all the time that the situation was getting worse.

The England players looked at each other in disbelief. However, the performance did not hinder the combination of the Three Lions, who sought a valuable 2-1 away victory over the Azzurri combination defending the EC gold.
