Rage Against The Machine play first concert in eleven years

Rage Against The Machine actually wanted to start their reunion tour in February 2020, but Covid-19 thwarted the band’s plans. Finally the time has come. The band played their first concert in eleven years, in Wisconsin, and it went straight to the US Supreme Court – a reference to the revision of the landmark abortion ruling known as the Roe v. Calf. With a decision in June 2022, American states can decide on the legality of abortions for the first time in 50 years; de facto, pregnant women are deprived of their right to self-determination

“Forced childbirth in a country that is the only prosperous country in the world without guaranteed national-level paid parental leave,” read the lyrics on the screen behind the band. “Forced childbirth in a country where maternal mortality rates for black women are two to three times higher than for white women,” it said.

One of the biggest national problems was referred to. “Forced birth in a country where gun violence is the leading cause of death among children and young people” Finally, the Supreme Court was addressed with clear words: “Abort the Supreme Court”

Abortion rights overturned

The venue suited Rage Against The Machine very well. The quartet performed in the state of Wisconsin, where abortions are currently difficult to perform. Since the Supreme Court decision, almost all abortion providers have decided to close their clinics. You don’t want to risk criminal prosecution.

Rage Against The Machine has already found clear words on social media about the decision of the Supreme Court. “We are appalled by the cancellation of Roe v Wade and the devastating impact this decision will have on millions of people,” the band wrote. In response, they want to donate almost 500,000 US dollars to organizations that work for reproductive rights.

Germany concert

On September 3, 2022, the band will play an open-air concert in the original line-up with Zack De La Rocha, Tom Morello, Tim Commerford and Brad Wilk at the Expo Plaza site in Hanover. There are tickets here.
