Raffle: We’re giving away Blu-rays for the skate film “North Hollywood”



The coming-of-age film “North Hollywood” revolves around the protagonist Michael. As he graduates from high school, the teenager must start to decide what he wants to do after school. If his father had his way, he would simply follow his career plans, but as we all know, it’s never that simple: the dream of becoming a professional skater weighs heavier for Michael.

From the From June 9th, viewers can follow the story of the young adult on DVD and Blu-ray at home in front of the television. The film will be available digitally from May 27th.

For the home cinema start of the dramedy about growing up produced by musician Pharell Williams, MUSIKEXPRESS is giving away three Blu-rays.

Dreams, quarrels and first love

The Los Angeles district of the same name serves as the backdrop for “North Hollywood”. According to the press release, part of the story is “big dreams, the relationship with parents and first love”. Michael, played by 24-year-old actor Ryder McLaughlin (known from “Mid90s” and “Dog”), becomes closer to his crush Rachel over the course of the film. The young lover mimics “iCarly” star Miranda Cosgrove.

A professional career comes with sacrifices

The ambition to become a professional skater does not only bring positive things: When the boy gets the chance to prove himself as a skater and to hang out with professionals, tensions arise in his environment. Not only does his relationship with his friends suffer, his relationship with his father, played by Vince Vaughn, also takes a hit. Michael must decide how important his career is to him.

It was directed by 27-year-old producer and actor Mickey Alfred, who also wrote the screenplay for the film. The basis for this should be Alfred’s own experiences.

We are giving away three Blu-rays for the film. Simply fill out the form and enter “North Hollywood” as the answer. The closing date for entries is June 1st, 2022. The legal process is excluded.




