Radu, duck and tears in Bologna-Inter

A contracture in the abdomen stops Handanovic, it’s up to the Romanian who in the final gives the winning goal to Samson. So his agent of him in February: “He doesn’t even play in the Italian Cup. What if Samir gets injured?”

Handanovic and Bastoni bruised before the start, Inzaghi who has to focus on Radu and Dimarco. The defender tries them all, including 4 shots in the first 9 ‘of the second half, but gets lost – left alone by De Vrij – Arnautovic on the equalizer. The goalkeeper goes much further, because he seals a game already haunted by him with the incredible injury that gives Samson the winning goal. The night that gives Milan half the Scudetto for Inter starts badly before the start. Radu’s tears at the end of the match are the photo of a crazy match in which the Nerazzurri could have won and instead find themselves empty-handed. The doorman won’t sleep tonight, but he can console himself (in part) by thinking that the duck cost only one point. Between misery and frenzy, the teammates in 81 minutes had not found a way to score the second goal.

Damiani’s (prophetic) controversy

Radu was on his debut in the league. For him only 120 ‘in the eighth of the Italian Cup with Empoli, on January 19th. When the fourth against Roma arrived (8 February), immediately after the championship derby given to Milan, Inzaghi returned to Handanovic. With the accompanying controversy of Oscar Damiani, agent of the Romanian goalkeeper: “We are disappointed, we but above all the boy. Onana has arrived too, at the end of the season Radu will go away. In the Italian Cup against Roma he could have played showing his qualities, but It wasn’t like that. Next month there will be many games. Should Handanovic get injured, you would have a member who has played little or nothing. the same thing happened. Handanovic always wants to play, as a former footballer I don’t understand him. His attitude seems to me, in quotation marks, outside of sportsmanship. “

The incredible mistake

A prophetic controversy, because after the contracture in the abdomen accused by Handanovic, the great opportunity for Radu suddenly arrived. And the 24-year-old slipped on the most mocking banana peel after months of mothballing. If on Arnautovic’s header he had no faults, Ionut – before and after a non-paying spectator – then he combined it really big. Even considering the importance of the stakes. We are at 81 ‘, Perisic makes a throw-in two meters from the flag for Radu to start the action on the other side, but the goalkeeper smoothes the touch for Darmian, the ball is gasping in the goal, with the rapacious Samson to take titles and glory just before it crosses the line.

Tears and hugs

Which happens, especially if you have chosen that cynical and cheating role that leaves you alone for a long time, without a safety net. But go and explain it to Radu, who lives the final minutes in shock – with the ball on the opponent’s frontline as for most of the game – to mentally relive a nightmare. At the triple whistle of Duties the goalkeeper bursts into tears as he reaches the tunnel. Dumfries goes to cover the camera, Correa, Dimarco and then Cordaz are the first to reach the unfortunate companion and console him. Real team reaction. But now what counts more is what the Nerazzurri will have to have on Sunday in Udine to avoid throwing away a Scudetto that seemed to have already been won twice.
