Radeloze ouders verspreiden foto’s en smeken Hamas om hun onguile kinderen vrij te laten | Conflict Israel-Palestine

The wanhopige ouders van 32 gegijzelde children the door Hamas zijn ontvoerd, smeken de terreurgroep om hen vrij te laten. The children were momentarily located on the vast terrain in the kilometers of tunnels, also in the Gaza Metro. There are now photos and names of the children in the hoop, and they have a quick break in the arms of the slaan. “Bevrijd alsjeblieft onze kinderen”, smeken ze.

The Britse krant ‘The Sun’ publiceerde vandaag the names and photos of maar ranst 32 onguile children who were given by the terrorist organization Hamas. The children have been built extensively in the 500 kilometer long tunnel network of the Palestinian terrestrial movement.

The youngest gijzelaar is Kfir Bibas, who rarely has maanden oud. Hij will have seeds with brother Ariel (4) and mother Shiri (32) meegenomen uit their house in kibboets Nir Oz. The other children are four 17-year-olds and one 18-year-old.

“Ariel houdt van tractors and motors, rent altijd away and want to climb,” says someone from the family. “Kfir laughs really hard and wants to hug him. Hij wasn’t started with kruipen. He is waiting for someone to give him a baby, he says, but he still has a toe.

Ook de name en photo van de Nederlands-Israëlische Tiener Ofir Engel (18) wordt verspreid. The father and the grandpa of the young people got up early this week over Hun Wanhoop over the Gevangenneming of Hun (small) zoo on October 7th. Ofir will be toen door Hamasstrijders vanuit de kibboets Be’eri, waar hij bij zijn vriendin en hair family op bezoek was, meegenomen naar Gaza. “Al 25 dagen hebben we niets van hem hoord”, klonk het toen.

From left to right, rij 1: Gal Goldstein-Almog (11), Ofri Brodutch (10), Gani Yahel Shohami (3), Noam Or (17). Rij 2: Or Yaakov (17), Yuval Brodutch (8), Ariel Bibas (4), Kfir Bibas (9 maanden). © RV

A young mother in Vienna’s two daughters are exposed to the terrorists of Hamas in response: “How does he educate children now? What world is that juiste om te doen? Hamas had always wanted to see the first day. Nobody cares about the children. He is a soldier, he is not affected by the conflict in the past.

Volgens de Amerikaanse gijzelingsexpert Danielle Gilbert is the gijzelen van kinderen zeldzaam. “Het vasthouden van niemand die kwetsbaar is en niet de aanleg heeft om in die omstandigheden te overleven, maakt het werk van de ontvoerders moeilijker.”

The 50-year-old Mayan woman has two daughters, Dafna and Ella, who are 15 and 8 years old, and are promoted to the supporters of the Hamas Territorial Group.
The 50-year-old Mayan woman has two daughters, Dafna and Ella, who are 15 and 8 years old, and are promoted to the supporters of the Hamas Territorial Group. © Ian Whittaker

Internationale hulporganisaties en liaison dadigheidsinstellingen steunen de opproep om de gegijzelde children vrij te laten. The International Committee of the Rode Kruis means that “herhaalde verzoeken heeft gedaan om de gijzelaars te bezoeken, sodat we op now welzijn can controleren”.

Tijdens de aanvallen van 7 October will be taken in total 240 gijzelaars. Four children and one female Israeli soldier will be talked about.

From left to right, rij 1: Mia Leimberg (17), Dafna Eyakim (15), Yagil Yaakov (13), Uriah Brodutch (4).  Rij 2: Nave Shoham (8), Alma Or (13), Zachri Ohad Munder (9), Ella Eyakim (8).
From left to right, rij 1: Mia Leimberg (17), Dafna Eyakim (15), Yagil Yaakov (13), Uriah Brodutch (4). Rij 2: Nave Shoham (8), Alma Or (13), Zachri Ohad Munder (9), Ella Eyakim (8). © RV

From left to right, rij 1: Noam Avigdori (12), Amit Shani (16), Yuly Konio (3), Sahar Kalderon (16).  Rij 2: Hila Rotem-Shoshani (13), Ema Konio (3), Tal Goldstein-Almog (9), Agam Goldstein-Almog (17).
From left to right, rij 1: Noam Avigdori (12), Amit Shani (16), Yuly Konio (3), Sahar Kalderon (16). Rij 2: Hila Rotem-Shoshani (13), Ema Konio (3), Tal Goldstein-Almog (9), Agam Goldstein-Almog (17). © RV

KIJK OOK. Ondervraagde Hamas terrorists confess gruweldaden en onthullen: “Beloning van 10,000 dollars en apartment per gijzelaar”

KIJK OOK. The smoke route to the military sea: this is the secret tunnel network of Hamas
