Racist chants in Vlahovic: nine Daspos among the Atalanta fans

Prohibitions on access to sporting events from 1 to 5 years. Other checks in progress

The Bergamo police station issued 9 daspo this morning against as many fans held responsible for repeated chants against Vlahovic against a background of racial discrimination during the Atalanta-Juventus match played last May 7 in Bergamo. The bans on access to sporting events will prevent supporters from entering the sporting facilities for a period ranging from 1 to 5 years for “conducts of extreme social and moral disvalue which led to the unanimous condemnation of the event”.

The controls

The investigations by the Police Headquarters made it possible to clearly identify the supporters who were the recipients of the measure, by viewing the images taken from the Gewiss Stadium video surveillance system. For two fans, in addition to the daspo, there will be a request for the obligation to sign during Atalanta matches, as they had already been responsible for violent acts during previous football matches. In the meantime, checks continue to identify the other fans involved.
