Racism scandal finally reconciled – the Ice Hockey Association apologizes to the player and pays thousands of euros in compensation

According to the Equality Commissioner, the Ice Hockey Federation targeted the coach with countermeasures prohibited by the Equality Act.

The racism scandal that soiled Finnish hockey got a solution. Illustration picture. Jussi Saarinen

The equality commissioner made a decision regarding the suspicion of racism between the Ice Hockey Association and an underage player.

The Equality Commissioner considers that the Ice Hockey Federation has targeted the coach with countermeasures prohibited by the Equality Act. As a result, the player was subjected to indirect discrimination.

The Ice Hockey Federation admits discrimination. The association apologizes to the player and the coach.

In addition, the Ice Hockey Federation will pay a compensation of 3,000 euros to the player and 3,000 euros to the coach in accordance with the Equality Act, as well as compensate them for the expenses incurred in the matter in full.

The incident stems from a junior match played in November last year. Pelicans’ underage player told the referees of the match that he was the target of racist yelling.

When the Pelicans coach didn’t think the referee acted correctly in the situation, he directed his team to the locker room. The match was suspended. Later, the Jääkiekkoliitto banned the coach for his act.

The coach contested the decision. This was the start of a deal that had been simmering for months, when the Ice Hockey Federation did not agree to accept allegations of racism and its influence on the actions of the Pelicans coach.

The matter was finally processed by the Equality Commissioner. It already gave a reconciliation proposal at the beginning of June, but this was not accepted by the union.

Equality affairs team leader Robin Harms told Iltalehte at the beginning of June that any ice hockey association that does not agree to a settlement proposal will probably take the matter to court.

The story is updated.
