Racism outcry in Sweden’s Survivors: The contestant became enraged

A contestant used an offensive word behind the scenes of a Swedish reality TV series.

is currently underway in Sweden Robinson23rd season of the series. The TV program is Sweden’s own Survivors– series, where a group of contestants compete against each other in the jungle in various tasks.

However, now the program has found itself in the middle of racism, reports Aftonbladet. Was in the series Peter Andersson, 68, suspended the race for “personal reasons.” In reality, Andersson was forced to leave the show by production because he had used the n-word about a dark-skinned co-contestant, Christina from Onuora.

The 28-year-old Onuora herself had not heard Andersson use the expression in question, but other competitors in addition to the film crew had told about it. Andersson had used the expression three times, after which the TV production had discussed the matter with Onuora.

The young woman has been very upset after hearing about it afterwards.

– Of course I was very sad and upset because he had come to me and praised me, so we considered him really nice in our tribe. It’s disgusting how people can be so different when you’re not there, Onuora commented to the magazine.

In his opinion, the TV production handled the situation well, but he would have liked the reason for Andersson’s departure to have been told more openly.

The 23rd production season of the Robinson series got into the middle of racism in Sweden. The next season is currently being filmed in Finland. Four

Andersson has defended his words by saying that he did not mean the expression in a negative sense. Andersson still didn’t know Onuora’s name at that point, so he had used the n-word to describe him to his other tribesman.

– I said that in a positive way because he was so incredibly good in our first competition when he was shooting the basketball, Andersson stated.

– Of course, it’s annoying to say, I admit it. When you’re my age it’s always been a nice word, but it’s not nowadays, I get that.

Onuora and Andersson have discussed the matter after the filming of the program ended. Andersson had approached Onuora at the urging of two other competitors and apologized to him.

– It felt good that he apologized. However, it was strange that it had been six months before he approached me, and even then only because Caroline and Sophie had asked him to do so, Onuora commented.

The disappointed competitor has also opened up about what happened on his Instagram account. Onuora writes in her update how she hated her own skin color when she was younger and wished her hair would lighten. Today, however, she is proud of herself and her appearance.

The new Survivor contestants were recently introduced in Finland. The new season will be filmed in Malaysia and the winner will receive a prize of 30,000 euros.
