Racism allegations in “Winnetou” – Karl May Verlag posts good sales





According to its own statements, the Karl May Verlag benefited from the “Winnetou debate”. “A survey has shown that at least 70 percent of Germans support Karl May and Winnetou. So the whole thing has also developed into a positive marketing campaign and has given a strong boost to sales of the ‘Winnetou’ books,” the publisher told the German Press Agency.

Debate about “Winnetou” in the summer

In the summer of 2022, there was agitated discussion about whether “Winnetou” was racist – the question also split the web. The accusation was that the indigenous peoples of America were sometimes misrepresented as inhumane, but also misrepresented as “noble savages”. Celebrities such as Bully Herbig (“The Manitou’s Shoe”), but also Pierre Brice’s widow spoke up. Markus Söder had an opinion, and so did Dieter Hallervorden. A journalist in the United States asked indigenous people who had never heard of Karl May and Winnetou for their verdict.

Previously, after criticism from numerous Internet users, Ravensburger Verlag had removed book material from its program that was to be released for a new cinema adaptation: “The Young Chief Winnetou”. As a result, cultural institutions in particular defended the adventure author Karl May from allegations of racism.

After the decision to withdraw several children’s books due to allegations of racism, the German company Ravensburger continued to face criticism. Hundreds of social media users have accused the company of censorship or giving in to criticism. But there was also support for the decision.

How to deal with it further?

Karl May Verlag is happy about the discussion: “Because, subliminally, some people have had a negative image of Karl May for some time and he was accused, for example, of disregarding the genocide of the Indians in his work.” Publisher, just a look at the foreword of the first part of “Winnetou” is enough to see that this is absolutely not true.

The publisher would be happy if people dealt with Karl May and his work before commenting on social media, it said in conclusion.




