Rachel Hazes wants more respect for Royce de Vries: ‘Is my lawyer’

Rachel Hazes wants her former best friend Marieke van Beek to show more respect for her lawyer Royce de Vries. “I was raised to respect a lawyer.”


Is defending Rachel Hazes one of the last tricks that Royce de Vries pulls off? The AD has an article ready that is so explosive for the son of Peter R. de Vries and his former office colleague Khalid Kasem that he has obtained a publication ban. But the appeal is almost over and there is always the possibility of leaks.

Respect to Royce

Until then, Rachel wants respect to be shown to Royce, especially her former best friend Marieke van Beek, with whom she is at odds in one of her many lawsuits. We recently saw a fragment on television in which Marieke reacts fiercely and emotionally to Royce in the courtroom. Rachel thinks that’s ridiculous.

Rachel complains in the Party: “The atmosphere was horrible in the court. It’s fine that they don’t like me anymore. That doesn’t bother me. But you have to respect a lawyer, right? At least, that’s how I was raised. It was not normal how Marieke attacked my lawyer.”

‘You’re going to break’

Painfully enough, Marieke receives support from Roxeanne Hazes. She calls her mother Rachel a liar. “As a mother you are devastated. Because joking is exactly what I don’t do. I have been fighting for that for years, to get the truth out on the table. But above all, let her think I’m a liar.”

She continues: “I’m curious what Roxy will say when everything comes to light. I can’t reveal everything yet, but we still have plenty of things that haven’t been discussed yet. Accountants are also to be heard at a later hearing. But the puzzle is already ready for me.”

Not straight

Rachel didn’t even exchange a look with Roxeanne during the hearing. “No. Nothing. And I’ll tell you very honestly: I think Rox gives such special answers that I no longer recognize my own daughter. Because if one was always straight, it would be Rox. I don’t know if she is being manipulated, I have no idea what is going on.”

She concludes: “I would love to look into her eyes for a minute, to see if games are being played with her. I think Rox has no idea what exactly happened at Melvin Produkties during the period we are currently arguing about. If they would delve into it a little bit…”
