Rachel Hazes still angry with Rob Goossens: ‘No contact’

Rachel Hazes and Rob Goossens are still not together on speaking terms. The widow sees him as the tease of RTL Boulevard. “She looked at me and steam came out of her ears.”


Celebrities hate criticism and some have even longer toes than others. Rachel Hazes’s take the cake. One word wrong and she drags you to court by your hair. But because of that attitude you can see at a glance which show media are healthy critical and which are completely scornful.

Carrying a corpse

While Rachel is still eagerly in front of the camera of Shownieuws, she has been avoiding that of RTL Boulevard for a year and a half. The reason? The following 32 words from Rob: “Poor Rachel, find a new hobby for once, because it will soon be twenty years after the death of André Hazes and you will still be carrying around the corpse.”

A fairly widely shared opinion, but Rachel is completely offended and has now shouted that she will boycott Boulevard as long as Rob is there at the desk. And of course she only has herself to blame, because where should she promote her next product line of Lidl knick-knacks with Hazes bath slippers and candle holders?

Steam from ears

When asked if they are on speaking terms again, Rob says BLVD Podcast: “I do not believe it. She then said: ‘Just say sorry for once.’ I said, ‘I’m not going to say sorry if I don’t mean it.’ I just told you again how I feel about it and that it is not personal. I can keep repeating that, but she is having a very difficult time with it.”

He continues: “That led to a very special conversation via DMs on Instagram, in which she said, among other things, that my life would become much easier if I came out of the closet. Later I was at that trial between Rox and Rachel. Of course Rachel was there too. Well, she looked at me and of course the steam came out of her ears.”

Big William

Everything went very strange during that lawsuit, according to Rob. “She was there with Big Willem from the Hell’s Angels. I was standing with two crime people from Boulevard who were really a bit nervous: ‘Oh dear, there’s Big Willem’, and the moment they said that he looked in our direction and then he came our way.”

And then? “It turned out that he came to me while two crime reporters were standing there. He came up to me and said, “I’m not gay, but I’m charmed by you.” So apparently they also had that conversation: ‘That Rob is so clearly gay, I have to say that I’m not, because otherwise he will soon start harassing me or something.’”

