‘Rachel Hazes probably not at the wedding André and Monique’

Rachel Hazes will not be in the front row if André Hazes Jr. and Monique Westenberg were to get married next year, Private boss Evert Santegoeds expects. “The atmosphere is sick.”


Private boss Evert Santegoeds, like Yvonne Coldeweijer, states that there is a huge argument going on between André Hazes Jr. and his mother Rachel Hazes. According to both show connoisseurs, the leak is from André’s breakup letter to Sarah van Soelen the reason, but Rachel herself denies that. Everything now indicates that there is indeed talk of a fight.

Good bumblebee

André, for example, has shown on the socials that he spent all Christmas with his flashing fiancée Monique Westenberg, while Rachel has only been in The Harbor Club with some good acquaintances. All quite painful of course.

It is striking how little photos Rachel posted during Christmas, says Evert in the podcast Strictly Private. “Rachel is very quiet. We haven’t had any Christmas wishes from Rachel this year either. I don’t know who she is with. I think it’s strong with friends. It’s good bumblebees and now with both children at the same time.

Special combination

It had long been predicted that André would spend Christmas with Monique. He does that every year in between his love affairs. “You hear little Dretje say: who is that man who comes to celebrate Christmas with us every time?”

Evert continues: “André is sometimes gone in between, but at Christmas he has been with Monique for three years in a row and she is occasionally asked to marry him. It was that time again. You saw the photos of them together and yes, it is a very special combination those two.”

‘Fit together’

The two will come together, Evert expects. “They just fit together. I wouldn’t be surprised if it actually happens this or next year that they definitely choose each other. I’d give it to them too. Finally peace in the tent, so that the boy can also start working on his career again.”

Will Rachel be up front when there’s a wedding next year? “Well, I don’t think so. I think that atmosphere is so sick now that it will not happen.”
