‘Rachel Hazes laughed at by the entire audience Peter Pannekoek’

Rachel Hazes was laughed at by the entire theater audience of Peter Pannekoek. He makes grateful use of the croquetterel in his cabaret show. “Everyone laughed about it!”


It is one of the most absurd lawsuits in the history of Dutch showbiz: the case in which Rachel Hazes demanded that she should no longer be called a ‘cremated croquette’. She succeeded, but it came back to her face like a boomerang that the suntanned cloud of smoke has since lifted that ban.

La croquette

Peter Pannekoek makes grateful use of this. He is currently in the prestigious Carré theater and makes grateful use of the croquette riot, reveals a spy of Yvonne Coldeweijer.

The spy in question reveals: “Tonight (Monday evening, ed.) Went to the Peter Pannekoek show in Carré. Here Rachel was called cremated croquette, everyone had a great laugh about it! Haha.”

Yvonne: “Hahaha really! How nice. What did he say about it?”

Nice meatloaf

Then the Yvon spy reveals the context. “It was in the context that older men with talent are not looked at when they go out with a much younger woman. That Rachel used to be a nice frikadel, but now really a cremated croquette.”

Yvonne: “Hahaha.”

Not fun

Not fun, Guido den Aantractor undoubtedly thinks it. Rachel’s earthly guardian angel is constantly on the barricades in front of her. “She is keelhauled and accused almost every day by people who get everything out of the media themselves,” the Story editor-in-chief grumbles in Subway. “She is a woman with passion and temperament.”

He will never let Rachel down. “With Albert Verlinde, I am the only one who has respect for her.”

Arm off

The image that Rachel is a greedy woman who doesn’t care about her children is incorrect, according to Guido. “I have never been able to catch her in an untruth, not even in the slightest white lie. She would rather cut off her arm than harm a loved one: including her own children.”

Fortunately, Rachel herself judges what falls under ‘disadvantaging’. Saves some bloody scenes again…
