Rachel Hazes has had enough of showbiz: ‘I want anonymity’

Rachel Hazes is completely done with showbiz. The money-counting widow of André Hazes is so busy that she can hardly handle it anymore. “I want to live in anonymity,” she says.

© Nick van Ormondt

This week it is one of the cover stories of weekly magazine Story: Rachel Hazes who no longer feels like it. “I have decided for myself that I want to work very hard for a few more years. I occasionally commit quite robbery on my body. Some days I work more than twenty hours. I can’t keep up with that,” she says in the magazine

Rachel wants anonymity

Rachel therefore announces her retirement. “I have decided that I want to work for another four years. Then I’ll be 56 and André would have turned 75 in that year. Then I want to do something big one more time (read: fill pockets, ed.) and then it’s done. Then I want to live in anonymity and enjoy it.”

Finally, Rachel just wants to enjoy life a little. “Maybe it’s been given to me that I can live to be 70. Then I can live in anonymity for another fourteen years. That would be more in my house in Barcelona than in the Netherlands, but I could never leave my own country.”

Taking care of Andre

On top of wringing out André’s legacy, Rachel is now mothering again. “André has to find himself again. He is getting better and better and he lives with me again. There is sometimes criticism. I don’t understand that, because I think it’s normal for a mother to take her child home when he or she asks.”

Finally, Rachel tells that she sometimes gets a turn. “I am now dating, and I still have a good time with Klaas Otto. We’re good friends and some days we’re just a little more friends than others, if you know what I mean.”


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