Rachel Hazes gets the ultimate tip to save her image: ‘Disappear!’

Rachel Hazes has been struggling with a huge image problem for years and years, but how can that woman solve it? Image expert Zabeth van Veen gives advice: “Disappear!”

© SBS 6

Rachel Hazes’ image is like a deer torn open in the meadow: damaged beyond repair. She was already known as someone who benefits greatly from the estate of her deceased husband, with whom she was divorced, but her qualities as a mother are also seriously doubted. In fact, she is one big arguing machine.

Off stage

What can a woman like that do to save the day? Fortunately, there is Weekend to seek substitute advice from image expert Zabeth van Veen. She knows everything about images and how to make and break them.

There is really only one wise decision Rachel can make, according to Zabeth. “Disappear from the scene. I think it’s a dramatic story, so bad for those children. As a child, you always want your parents to love you, appreciate you, support you and make you feel emotionally safe. But Rox and André keep getting a slap in the face.”

Public blow

A public slap in the face, that is. After all, Rachel does everything through the media and that is simply disastrous for your image, says Zabeth. “And so does that former best friend who she took to court. I think it is shameful that Rachel burdens the justice system with these nonsense things.”

According to the image expert, she had better withdraw. “I think she really believes that she is in the right, because she has made it that way. I’m not saying that the children have done everything right, but as a parent you should be the wisest of the three and she certainly isn’t.”

Good psychologist

And what should we do with her son André Jr.? “A good psychologist can help him. He basically has everything in his life, but it’s just a mess now, there’s no structure to it. Today it’s like this, next week it’s like that again. You want him to get his life on track.”

Self-insight is the magic word for him, Zabeth concludes. “Self-insight is the basis for a stable life. Then he can manage himself, instead of his management, Monique or his mother doing that.”
