‘Rachel Hazes an old speed junkie? Could actually be!’

Rachel Hazes is accused by the ex-girlfriend of her new lover Klaas Otto of being an ‘old speed junkie’, but is that really true? “It could be…”

© RTL, YouTube

Klaas Otto’s ex-girlfriend is absolutely not happy that he is now in bed with Rachel Hazes. This Gracia Kraus has called her an ‘old speed junkie’ in a spicy tirade on Instagram. Is she lying here or is there some truth to it? Hazologist Yvonne Coldeweijer bends in The Popcorn Show about this vehement accusation.


Yvonne states that Gracia’s accusations are not completely made up. “So there are rumors that the things on there are actually true. That Rachel indeed uses speed… I don’t know if… I do know that Rachel uses some substances, but I don’t know whether that is speed. It could be.”

Gracia also states that Rachel only wants Klaas as ‘protection’. What does she mean by that? Yvonne: “It is true that Rachel sometimes asks men for security. That’s because Rachel doesn’t really dare to go outside, she’s very shy or at least she never dares to go out alone.”


Rachel doesn’t dare go out on the street? Why? “They are always a bit shy, the curtains are often closed at home. She has asked Klaas Otto several times in the past to protect her, but I happen to know from a spy that years ago, when she asked that before, she was very afraid of Klaas. At least, that’s what she let her environment know at the time.”

“I think that’s also kind of crazy about: you were always very scared of him and now you apparently have a relationship with him? I can’t say exactly why she was afraid of him, but I don’t think you’re going to start a relationship with someone you’re actually afraid of. I thought it was a bit of a crazy story.”

André fled

Incidentally, Rachel has already returned to Gracia by posing with Klaas and his ex-wife. “It can be done that way”, sneered the professional widow.

Her son André fled from home, according to Yvonne, because Rachel and Klaas would be very soggy.
