Raamsdonksveer in deep mourning after accident in which family died

Raamsdonksveer mourns Saturday after the accident that took place on the A59 near Sprang-Capelle on Friday evening. A family from the village of a 10-year-old girl, her 13-year-old brother and their 46-year-old father and mother from Raamsdonksveer were killed. “It’s very sad.” Mayor Marian Witte van Geertruidenberg also reacts ‘shocked and sad’.

Written by

Ron Vorstermans

A woman on the street can hardly believe it. “It’s terrible. A whole family. Those people drove in the car towards Raamsdonksveer, but I did not expect that it would be a family from the village. It’s really bad.”

“In your own village, and then a whole family.”

Four cars and one truck were involved in the accident Friday evening. The family car caught fire. A 33-year-old driver from Zevenbergschen Hoek who was involved in the accident had probably drunk too much and used drugs. His precise role is under investigation.

For another woman on the street, the news came particularly close because Raamsdonksveer is so familiar to us. “In your own village, and then a whole family. Terrible. I can make little else of it. I didn’t have to call around who they were, I didn’t want to know.”

“We are all talking about it, everyone is sympathetic.”

Two other women on the street know the family. One of the two can’t hold back her tears. “I am devastated. It is in and in sad.” The other woman completes her. “We are all talking about it, everyone is sympathetic.”

Mayor Marian Witte expresses her condolences on the municipality’s website.

“We are shocked and saddened. We wish their loved ones, family, friends, colleagues, classmates and everyone who suddenly has to miss this family a lot of strength and strength,” she concludes.

READ ALSO: Father, mother and two children (10 and 13) killed in accident on A59
