Raad van State provides critical proposals for plans for over-running energy requirements | VTM Nieuws

The Raad van State is critical on two vlakken. Het kader for de overwinstbelasting is proclaimed Europees, maar de federale regering Wil Verder gaan. That may be because the Raad van State is the reason for that.

Ten two is he al een overloading for the nuclear energy sector, which means that there is a moeilijk, shows the Raad van State. The federal regering argues that the new over winst burden in het algemeen concern is, maar motiveert onvoldoende waarom dan enkel energiebedrijven erander vallen.

“Het wetsontwerp is not in the prullenmand, but the regering area needs to be near the tekentafel. With all that he now needs, the path is open for energy needs from those that are in the right bank,” says journalist Karel Lattrez.
