Raad van State flowit Staatssecretaris de Moor terug and schorst opvangsttop alleenstaande asielzoekende mannen | Inland

“The Raad van State is in this state of the procedure of the oordeel that the decision is not taken in overeenstemming is met the law opvang dat bij de wet van 12 januari 2007 concerning de opvang van asielzoekers en van bepaalde other categorieën van vreemdelingen aan alle asielzoekers verleend wordt”, zo deelt de Raad mee in a persmededeling.

Staatssecretaris de Moor (CD&V) was born in August and received an instruction from a long time ago on both sides of the streets. We want to use the rule of thumb to ensure that the children are on the street. A large number of organizations had the right to vote in the State Council.

KIJK OOK. The Moor’s best-selling grandchildren were born on the streets of the town and were brought back to life
