Quitting smoking without gaining weight is possible: the book -iODonna

Rcatch your breath is one of the many reasons for quit with cigarettes. He explains it well pulmonologist Roberto Boffi, director of the anti-smoking center of the National Cancer Institute of Milanin a multi-voiced manual, Quit smoking with gustojust published by Sperling & Kupfer.

The smoking cessation book

The book is also signed by the nutritionist Anna Villarini, a professor at the University of Perugia, and the journalist Lorella Beretta. Nutrition helps stop addiction, is the thesis of the authors who write how food can be a support for:

• do not gain weight;

• fight the urge to light a cigarette when you are in withdrawal;

• counteract insomnia, anxiety, constipation and hunger, all symptoms that are not unusual for those who stop smoking;

• try to heal from the damage of smoking.

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Divided by seasons, the manual contains the themed recipes of chef Cesare Battisti and closes with speeches by Giovanni Apolone, scientific director of the Cancer Institute, the former minister Girolamo Sirchia, the journalist Roberta Villa and the television presenter Antonella Clerici .

