Quirky performance of De Matthäus Passion and Fabian Franciscus. This and more in Groningen and Drenthe

The North Netherlands Orchestra will also be performing the masterpiece De Matthäus Passion this year and will once again do so in a unique way. Furthermore, Fabian Franciscus can be admired in Stadskanaal, it is time for The Songclub again, De Broesende bessems bring a Drenthe-language cabaret program to Emmer-Compascuum and there is a unique vintage event in Tolbert.

Quirky performance ‘The St Matthew Passion’

Called Bach’s compelling masterpiece The Matthew Passion is about the last days of Jesus. It is a penetrating and recognizable human story about love and hate, but also friendship and betrayal. And all this to the penetrating music of Johann Sebastiaan Bach. Such a masterpiece deserves to be performed by a quality orchestra.

The Noord Nederlands Orkest will once again try to perform an idiosyncratic performance this year The Matthew Passion . One of the surprises is Jan Willem de Friend who is on the box. De Vriend has caused international furore as a baroque specialist and is affiliated with several orchestras in Europe as a conductor. He is assisted by several serious names during the concert. For example, Andreas Weller as Evangelist and baritone Geert Smits as Christ. With the cooperation of the Roder Boys Choir, the NNO will again try to surprise the Atlas Theater on April 4 with their performance of De Matthäus Passion.

Emmen – ATLAS Theater, Tues 7:30 pm, 32.50 euros

Drenthe-language cabaret duo in Emmer-Compascuum

The duo ‘Broesende berries’ consists of Klaas Schultz and Gerrie van der Veen. This duo puts on a musical regional language program consisting of self-made Drenthe texts on well-known melodies. Think for example of The Beatles, Paul Anka, Elvis Presley, John Lennon and Jim Croce. But the duo also plays their own composed music, which means that the program has cheerful music and beautiful listening songs to offer.

The ‘Broesende bessems’ started their Drenthe-language cabaret duo five years ago, but the artists have already been on stage enough for that. Klaas Schultz has been on stage for more than forty years as a Drenthe singer and entertainer and writes his own Drenthe-language songs. Gerrie van der Veen has been a singer/keyboard player for more than 40 years and the last ten years of that as a lyricist and composer of Drenthe-language songs. The ‘Broesende berries’ can be seen on April 4 in the Facet Library in Emmer-Compascuum.

Emmer-Compascuum – Facet Library, Tues 3:30 pm, 5 euros, library members 2.50 euros

It’s time for The Songclub again

The Songclub is a club consisting of a number of singer / songwriters who meet every two months in Klaas’ Kroeg to perform their own work. In addition to a previously written own number one, each singer presents a freshly written new song. Due to the corona crisis, The Songclub was also shut down for a long time, so the members are all the more happy that they can pick up the thread of this project again.

The Songclub has a number of permanent members: CT Heida, Lex Koopman, Annemarieke Coenders, Robin IJzerman, Abel de Kam, George Welling and Fred Goverde. This month there is also another guest: Anne-Lie Person. So on Tuesday, April 4, it’s finally that time again and The Songclub will take place in the Kroeg van Klaas in Groningen. The event is free to attend.

Groningen – Kroeg van Klaas, Tue 20:30, free

Four day vintage event | advertisement

During the Easter weekend it’s finally time; The Handelsfabriek in Tolbert organizes ‘Hunting for Vintage’. This is a four-day vintage event for all interior enthusiasts. Nevertheless, this edition comes in a different way, because there is even more vintage and of course even more fun. The Handelsfabriek presents all kinds of vintage items from abroad and there is also a nice sale. In addition, the inner person has also been thought of; for example, there are tapas, wine and a beer tasting, all while enjoying live music.

There is also plenty to do for children, because they can paint candles, paint, chill in the cinema and much more. The creative entrepreneurs do their best to please the visitors. The combination of fun activities, unique items, food and drinks and live music makes ‘Hunting for Vintage’ an event that is fun for young and old.

Tolbert – De Handelsfabriek, Fri to Mon 10 am, free

An evening of laughter with Fabian Franciscus

Fabian Franciscus thought that after two well-received shows it was time for a third show. With his characteristic sympathetic, disarming, yet also frightened attitude, Fabian defies life. Francis takes for granted that this is not always successful, because that is what makes life so unpredictable and fun. At least, that’s what Fabian thought. Afterwards you better laugh about everything, that’s so nice. But Francis has personally experienced that life is hard. He became depressed, but was the only one to do so with great success. He became even more afraid and more afraid and he found this scary again.

Fabian Franciscus has become a renowned name in the theater circuit and a show guarantees an evening of laughter. His previous show custard party is on Netflix and Fabian could also be seen The smartest person , Tacks , Eve and many other programs. He also played at the Zwarte Cross festival. Franciscus will be performing his new show, Nice and cozy, in the Geert Teis Theater in Stadskanaal on April 5.

Stadskanaal – Geert Teis, Wed 8 pm, 22.50 euros
