Quinty Trustfull on alcohol for three months: ‘Really enjoy’

Quinty Trustfull is enjoying a drink now that the summer break of Koffietijd is in full swing. For three months, the corks have been popping in the Trustfull house. And beyond. “I’m really going to enjoy it.”


When the Coffee Time season starts, Quinty Trustfull doesn’t touch a drop of alcohol, because she has to be extremely sharp for such a coffee show. Her utmost concentration is required: how does Janny van der Heijden drink her coffee? What advice does Charly Luske have in store for women this time? And how did Pernille La Lau get through her weekend?

Quinty completely loose

Quinty, rightly, takes it extremely seriously. No glass is taken during the broadcasting period. “I don’t do that when I present Coffee Time. I can’t afford that. We have to get up early for the program and if you drink in the days before, even if it is only a few glasses, your sharpness is gone.”

Now that Coffee Time is on vacation, Quinty is going wild. “During coffee time I don’t drink alcohol for months. That’s why I enjoy it even more now,” she explains in the story

‘Really enjoy!’

She is currently sipping one glass after another. “In the coming months I will enjoy my home city of Amsterdam. Parties, dinners, lunches… with a delicious glass of wine.”

Does she have other ambitions besides Coffee Time? Perhaps the presentation of Op1 or your own personality show? “I don’t do any other programs on the side. Coffee time is enough for me. It’s a wonderful thing to do and if it were up to me, I would like to continue presenting this until I retire.”
