Quinty remains wary after someone put scissors in her hair

It’s been almost two weeks now, but 19-year-old Quinty Bakker is still bothered by the fact that someone just put the scissors in her hair. She found out after a party in 013 that a piece of her long locks had been cut off. “I’m slowly getting used to it, but I’m still not comfortable in the pub. I ask friends all the time if my hair is still on.”

Quinty is constantly alert and the incident has had a lot of impact on her. To ease the pain, 013 has now made a gesture: she can go to a concert in the pop hall for free.

“They could not detect a perpetrator on the images.”

Quinty went to a hardstyle party at pop stage 013 with her friends on Friday, January 28. When she went home a few hours later, a friend discovered that there was a bite out of her hair. “She couldn’t look in the mirror for a long time and is still working on it a lot. But she’s trying to get over it,” says her mother Miranda.

At Miranda’s insistence, the management of 013 nevertheless viewed the camera images. “They saw that I came in with normal hair and walked out with cut hair,” says Quinty. “But they could not discover a perpetrator on the images.”

“I thought I’d never go there again.”

As consolation, 013 offered her two tickets for a concert of her choice. And the pop stage wants to reimburse the hairdresser costs. “I didn’t expect that anymore, because they first sent back such a rotten email. I thought: I’ll never go there again, but it’s very sweet that they want to give something back.”

Quinty wants to let the incident sink in for a while, but slowly dares to look ahead. “Broederliefde will soon give a concert in 013, maybe I want to go there.”

READ ALSO: Cut a piece of Quinty’s hair at a party in 013: “This is really sick”
