Quinn (18) is following a hydrogen training: ‘I think this will be the future after all’

One of the causes is the image people have of MBO and a technical education. Quinn: “It is often the case that people think that a higher vocational education is superior to mbo. You are then better educated, so you are automatically better. In that respect. But an mbo student can have much more technical talents.”

This picture is changing. For example, the selection guide for MBO programs showed that a MBO graduate earns four euros gross more than a HBO graduate. At least if you work in technology.

A good thing according to Quinn, but he would also like to see a little more appreciation. “A higher salary is a nice bonus, but a little appreciation would also be nice. That we are just doing well and that we are also needed in society.”

In the talk show De Staat van Drenthe, Quinn and other guests talk about the future of Drenthe and sustainable energy. Together with Groningen, Drenthe is a frontrunner when it comes to sustainable energy such as hydrogen. But can we remain that frontrunner if well-trained personnel are not to be found? And how do we ensure that young people opt for a technical education? The broadcast can be viewed here.
