‘Quincy Promes also suspected of drug smuggling and domestic violence’ | Inland

More and more details are coming out in the case against the footballer. Promes was already suspected of the attempted murder of his cousin after a stabbing in Abcoude on July 25, 2020. According to Nieuwsuur, “the evidence for the new suspicions does not only come from Promes’ mobile phone, but also from encrypted messages that the police have intercepted. .”

Nieuwsuur writes “that sources around the investigation confirm that Promes is in the picture because of involvement in drug trafficking.” That’s why his phone was tapped. Nieuwsuur reported last month that the footballer has confessed in telephone conversations with his family that he stabbed his cousin. He just didn’t know he was being tapped at the time.

Until now, Promes has always denied the stabbing, but the transcript of the tapped conversations shows that Promes wanted to stab his cousin to death.
