“Quiet quitting” skincare: the new minimalist skincare

Pborrowed from the world of work, “Quiet quitting” in recent months it has become one of the most searched terms on TikTok also in terms of beauty. The reason? This new trend offers a minimal skincare routine and simple, built thinking about the needs of the skin and eliminating all that is superfluous.

“Quiet Quitting”: the new skincare trend made up of a few products

Viral term on TikTok to promote a reduction of energy devoted to work in favor of a greater balance with private life, “Quiet Quitting” in recent months has also extended to the world of beauty and in particular to the area of ​​skincare.

In recent years the skin care it has come to include far too many passes and layaring, sometimes even overloading the epidermis beyond what is really necessary. The new trend “Quiet Quitting” invites exactly the opposite, that is, to reduce the steps distinguishing what is really necessary and what is superfluous for the effective care of your skin.

Quiet Quitting skincare: what it is and what it is for

If in the workplace this term was coined to represent the risk of burnouts caused by too many tasks and requests, in the skincare field it promotes a new minimalism made up of a few products. Overuse of formulas and skin over-exfoliation have put the skin into an overload. With the constant search for “quick fixes in the short term,” the benefits have turned into harms. By breaking this routine – even consumerist – attention is paid to what the skin really needscreating beauty rituals tailor made and not tied solely to trends.

The skin also glows with a slimmer but still complete beauty routine (Instagram/@rosiehw)

Therefore, by giving up on immediate gratification, it will be possible to obtain – with more time – visibly healthy skin, still going to act on the problems but without haste: gently hydrating and nourishing the skin barrier in the most correct way.

Cleanser, serum, cream and SPF: the essential four

As stated by Dr. Emma Wedgeworth to the magazine Glamorous UK, there are basically four skincare products that you really need.

Cleanser, serum, moisturizer and SPF they represent the “spine” of a solid and correct skincare routine: simple but effective. In fact, going to identify for each product the most suitable formulation for your skin type or problem it is possible to build a minimal and at the same time extremely functional routine.

Autumn skincare with seasonal ingredients

Attention must therefore be concentrated on products and multitasking ingredients such as the niacinamide that controls sebum production, minimizes pores and reduces fine lines. Or, the products with PHA and zinc that they eliminate spots and restore the skin barrier.

Night skincare, how does it change?

And at night? There minimal routine it does not change, but it allows for some substitution. For example the Vitamin C morning serum can be replaced with retinol – more suitable for evening use – or you can prefer one richer and more full-bodied moisturizer in the eveningespecially in winter.

In a minimal skincare routine just have two active ingredients to calmly address concerns related to the well-being of the skin.

