Queen Elizabeth: today the procession in Westminster with William and Harry

Lthe queen’s last voyage comes to an end. The coffin with his remains left Scotland last night, accompanied by Princess Anne, and made the journey that brought him to Buckingham Palace in a car, a Jaguar Land Rover, which was designed with the help of the sovereign herself.

Farewell to Queen Elizabeth, ruler of records and timeless icon of our times

Queen Elizabeth had already planned everything

It had been the same sovereign a commission a vehicle with a fully glazed roof and sides, illuminated from the inside so that the coffin, covered by the recognizable Royal banner, could be seen from any angle, even in the dark. During her reign Elizabeth II had more times said to have to be seen to be believedand he wanted to be visible to his subjects until the end.

Queen Elizabeth moves to the last

The journey made at nightfall, when it was dark, it made the images observed by thousands of people who rushed past the car particularly touching and evocative. Traffic on the street had been gradually blocked in order to allow everyone to get out of the vehicles to deliver the last farewell to the sovereign.

All the royals were waiting for Queen Elizabeth

The arrival of the body in the official residence of the queen took place behind closed doors to allow the Royals to spend these last phases of the greeting to the queen in private. With Charles III and the queen consort Camilla – just back from Belfast, the first stop on the Royal tour, which in these days will see them visit the four countries of the United Kingdom – there were William and Kate, Harry and Meghan, as well as all the other direct children and grandchildren of Elizabeth.

The funeral procession in Westminster

This afternoon the coffin will be transported to the nearby Westminster Hall, in a sacred place procession that will see Carlo march on foot behind the hearse, accompanied by William and Harry, just as they did, still very young, on the occasion of the funeral of their mother Diana.

Public visits to Queen Elizabeth

Starting at five in the afternoon today, local time, the coffin will be on display to the public until the day of state funeral, Monday 19 September. An event that is already putting British law enforcement to the test: in the coming days, millions of people are expected to arrive in both London and Windsor, where the sovereign will complete her last journey.

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