Queen Elizabeth positive for Covid-19: “Mild symptoms”

P.aura for the British Royals: first Charles of England, then his wife Camilla, and now his mother Elizabeth. The 95-year-old monarch tested positive for the swab and is isolating herself in her rooms in Windsor, in compliance with current measures. Continuously monitoring her is her team of doctors at the court, led by the illustrious Sir Huw Thomas. The BBC was the first to give the news.

Queen Elizabeth and the ailments of age:

Queen Elizabeth shows only mild flu symptoms

The short announcement of Buckingham Palace is quick to pacify the nationrevealing that, in the next few days, the sovereign still intends to carry out official commitments planned for some time, virtually conducted and not particularly heavy.

Elizabeth II cuts her Platinum Jubilee cake, Sandringham, February 5, 2022 (Getty Images)

Concern for Queen Elizabeth

Elizabeth had already received the three vaccines but last fall she was forced to cancel several important commitments and to follow a rest regime imposed on him by his doctors, worried about his state of health. In October, she too had spent a night in the hospital after undergoing tests.

Was it Carlo who infected his mother?

The sovereign had been in contact with her eldest son Charles last February 8, on the occasion of an investiture ceremony in Windsor. A few days later, the prince tested positive (for the second time, after being infected in April 2020), followed by Camilla and numerous members of her staff. The two are in solitary confinement at their country residence in Highgrove, central England.

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