Queen Elizabeth, here’s how she saves: “No more waste at court!”

P.He can count on a personal fortune of 340 million pounds, but Queen Elizabeth is still strained and worried about finances at court. With an increase in expenses of 17 percent and an income that unfortunately remains too low, the sovereign fears the reactions of her subjects, affected by the serious economic crisis, and he is keen to be an example: from now on, nothing is wasted at court.

Queen Elizabeth in green (surprisingly) closes the Platinum Jubilee celebrations

The (economic) solution of Queen Elizabeth

To cope with the Buckingham Palace crisis, the queen’s solution is simple: we go back to adopting the attitude that well served the royal family in the years of Second World War. Elizabeth remembers those times well. The then princess was only a teenager but, like her parents and sister Margaret, she had quickly adapted to doing without excessive luxuries, learning to sew and even to be a mechanic.

Queen Elizabeth

The Queen yesterday in Scotland with her son Charles, June 30, 2022 (Getty Images)

Queen Elizabeth: nothing must be wasted and everything must be recycled

Lessons that now, at the age of 96, the queen has decided to re-propose at court, asking her assistants to economize on everything from kitchens to administrative offices. An initiative applied, actually, already in the first weeks of lockdown, in 2020when the queen had immediately started a procedure to streamline her personal team, accompanied by the dismissal of as many as 250 employees.

How to economise on Elizabeth II’s clothes

The sovereign has no intention of spending money on new clothes. What she has is more than enough. Angela Kelly, her friend and dresser official, has re-examined, at the request of Elizabeth herself, the enormous royal wardrobe, going to find dresses for years preserved in the basement of Windsor and Buckingham Palace. And now she is super busy modifying, tightening, shortening the outfits already worn in the past and re-emerged for the next engagements.

With Kate and the little Cambridge on the balcony of Buckingham Palace, June 2, 2022 (Getty Images)

Enough with the new cars at the court!

While William and Kate recently indulged in a new one Range Rover, spending about 100 thousand pounds, Elisabetta preferred to give up a new car. The fleet stored in the garages does not need new additions: the one she preferred to drive herself until a few months ago is dated 2001.

Elisabetta at the wheel (KikaPress)

Queen Elizabeth: “Turn off the light when you go out!”

Instead of turning on the expensive radiators at Windsor Castle, the queen prefers to warm herself up with an electric heater for a few tens of pounds. The 40-watt bulbs are banned and in the new rules sent to all staff there is a clear invitation to turn off the lights when leaving each room. And for the gifts? Only strictly recycled paper and bows are used.

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