Queen Elizabeth, 96, rides again

Queen Elizabeth has returned to her beloved riding hobby after a nine-month hiatus.

A 96-year-old queen Elizabeth health has recently been a concern for citizens. Now, however, the Queen seems to have taken a step in the right direction.

Queen Elizabeth is back on horseback. AOP

The Daily Mail reports that Elizabeth is back after a beloved riding hobby after a long break. According to reports, the queen has risen back on horseback on the lands of the Palace of Windsor.

Doctors banned the monarch from riding last fall. The Sunin according to sources, the queen has missed her hobby for the past nine months.

– The queen has enjoyed being on horseback again. After all the health worries, it’s great that he rides again. It is significant that he is able to do so at the age of 96, the source notes in the magazine.

Queen Elizabeth is a great friend of riding. Picture from 2020. AOP

There is still no question of rough digging. Elisabet has been on light riding trips in Windsor.

Earlier this week, Elizabeth was seen in public without the walking stick she has been accustomed to lately.

Judging by everything, Elizabeth’s health has turned for the better. Picture from 2017. AOP

Until a moment ago, the Queen was worried about her health problems and difficulty moving. Elizabeth had to miss much of the celebrations associated with her 70-year reign earlier this month. The palace’s statements called for the health and resilience of the monarch.

Last week, Elizabeth attended the Order of the Garter ceremony and posed for the prince Charlesin and the Duchess Camillan with a picture of a walking stick in his hand.

Queen Elizabeth’s mobility difficulties have not been further specified in public. In the past, Elisabet reportedly had to resort to a golf cart even while walking his dogs.

Elizabeth has been a great friend of horses all her life. He got his first pony when he was three years old in 1929.

The then Princess Elizabeth was photographed on the back of her pony in 1937. AOP
