Quattrozampeinfiera, games also dedicated to puppies

Stthere are so many i dog games which will be presented in Vicenza during the two days Four paws at the fair. From mental activation to Rally Obedience, and then agility, splash dog, Disc dog. We focus on two particularly curious projects: i Detection Games, which transform the dog into a real detective. And the one specifically dedicated to puppies, their socialization and education: that is Puppy class.

Dogs, cats and children: 10 good reasons to adopt a puppy

Dog puppies, how (and when) to socialize them?

Some tips to understand how much the socialization of puppies is an aspect that is worth studying carefully.
From 3 to 8 weeks dogs learn better to interact with other dogs (primary intraspecific socialization). From 5-8 up to 12 weeks dogs learn better to interact with people and other animal species (secondary interspecific socialization). But it is from 5-12 up to 16 weeks that dogs explore new environments in a formidable way.

So, other dogs (of all sizes!) they should be known from 3/5 weeks of life. The meeting is essential to allow furry young people to deal with many social elements and therefore learn to interact in the right way with their own kindof every race and size they are.

Why it is useful to bring together a dachshund puppy and a Saint Bernard

It can be difficult for a dachshund to understand the messages sent by a St. Bernard, even just for the different tonality of the bark or growl. Or communicating with dogs that have had their tails and ears amputated (considering that these body parts are essential for decipher each other’s messages). It is therefore important to put the puppy in contact with as many dogs as possible.

As for education, it is worth specifying that teaching a puppy takes time. Even when it comes to seemingly trivial actions, such as responding to a simple call, doing the needs outside or not pulling on the leash. In other words, the owner who is in trouble is simply in good company.

Sniffing, how to exercise the sense of smell of dogs

The sense of smell is the main sense of the dog and unites, with various potentialities, every animal. in the newspaper, dogs that live a highly urbanized and unnatural life are less and less often able to use it.

And it’s a pity – the business of “smell” gives the dog many benefits. Including increased concentration, improved ability to focus on a goal, increased awareness of one’s skills, reduction of stress levels.

In dogs with fear or anxiety problems, i nose games, when well organized, lead to a marked increase in self-efficacy. Furthermore, the commitment to prepare a research test helps the owner to improve his dog’s reading skills, to perfect the management of spaces and to refine communication.

The Detection Games of Quattrozampeinfiera are sniffing games structured and designed to allow the dog to exercise its natural detective skills. And they are suitable for dogs of all types, sizes and ages.

The entrance to the fair is paid: the full price is 12 euros but there is a available on the site discount coupon. After Vicenza, the event will arrive in Milan (September 30 – October 1) and Bologna (November 25 – 26).

